Paul Osborn, ’89

Paul is a Landscape Architect by training. He received his Bachelors of Landscape Architecture from the SUNY College of Environmental Science and Forestry at Syracuse University. His education and experience has taken him to Vienna, Austria, Victor, NY, and now back home to Genesee County where he has worked as the Parks Supervisor and the Deputy Highway Superintendent for Facilities, Parks, Recreation and Forestry.

In 2020, Paul received the American Public Works Association Western Regional Project Award for his involvement in the design and construction of the 9.8 mile Ellicott Trail project. He also has been given the Award of Excellence in Comprehensive Planning by the New York Upstate Chapter of American Planning Association and the Leadership Genesee Outstanding Alumnus Award.

Paul’s own community service can be seen when he participates in and leads such organizations as the Oakfield Lions Club, the Oakfield Betterment Committee, and the Association for the Conservation of Natural Spaces. Paul’s passion of engaging youth in the community, and assisting them in understanding the importance of learning valuable skills, is evident in his participation in Oakfield-Alabama’s Dollars for Scholars, the Genesee County Youth Board, the Genesee County Job Development Youth Employment Program. Paul also mentors students in BEA Camp Hard Hat, giving the next generation experience in a building trades environment.